Syrian woman in Turkey

Topic portal

Gender equality

Despite significant advances in gender equality at work over the past century, progress in closing gender gaps remains slow and far from being a reality for many women and men. Working with its constituents, UN agencies and development partners, the ILO is implementing a transformative agenda on gender equality, equality of treatment and opportunity for all. This broadly includes promoting gender equality, non-discrimination and inclusion, reducing the gender pay gap; promoting decent work in the care economy; and ending violence and harassment in the world of work.

News and articles

Discussion on advancing care provision through cooperatives undertaken in Zimbabwe
Validation workshop, care through cooperatives and other social and solidarity economy entities

Discussion on advancing care provision through cooperatives undertaken in Zimbabwe

Stepping-up: On the road to building a footwear empire
Fungai Zvikaramba in his shoe factory

BG4YE Project

Stepping-up: On the road to building a footwear empire


The gender pay gap in Moldova. Recent trends and policy implications

The gender pay gap in Moldova. Recent trends and policy implications

Policy document

Tea Association of Malawi (TAML) Facilitator's and Learner's Training Manual on Prevention of Workplace Violence and Harassment

Policy document

Policy document

Malawi Congress of Trade Union (MCTU) Gender and Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy

Policy document

Woman weaving on a handicraft loom
Self-guided online training

Self-guided online training

Take ILO online course on Gender equality and women’s empowerment in the world of work in fragile, conflict and disaster settings

EW@W: Empowering Women at Work Capacity Development Platform

WE-Test: A tool for companies self assesment

WE-Test: A tool for companies self assesment

WE-Master: E-learning modules on gender equality

WE-Master: E-learning modules on gender equality

WE-Mentor: Tailored support and resources

WE-Mentor: Tailored support and resources

Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC)
EPIC logo.

Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC)