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This website is the public portal to ILO procurement. The Procurement Bureau is the Unit responsible for the procurement of goods, equipment, works and services at ILO headquarters and field offices.

The function of this site is to provide vendors with the information and assistance necessary to allow them to benefit from business opportunities available at the ILO. The links on the right of this page will guide you through applicable vendor registration information and standard terms and conditions relevant to doing business with the ILO.

To find information on current business opportunities available at this site, look at the features listed under Procurement notices.

Ethics in ILO Procurement

Ethical behavior is a requirement in ILO procurement. The ILO expends public funds and it is committed to ensuring all procurement actions stand-up to public scrutiny. ILO staff are responsible for protecting the integrity of the procurement process and maintaining fairness in ILO treatment of all suppliers. Suppliers must observe and act in accordance with the highest standards of ethics and professional conduct in their dealings with the ILO.